Saturday, January 21, 2017

How to Write the Perfect Thank You Note

January 21, 2017 0 Comments
I know that we're already half way through January (or maybe a little further), but if you're like me and you're busy all the time, thank you notes tend to get written a bit after they should have been.
Writing a good thank you note is so important because it shows people that you are professional, you care, and you're on top of things. Often, writing a good thank you note can take some time or is very hard. Sometimes the note seems way too short and it feels awkward. Here is a format for a perfect note that works for all your Christmas (or birthday) thank you's!


  1. Get cute stationery! Even the dollar store will have good options. Ones that say "Thank You" on the front are especially good, but even ones with just a print or a picture will work, too. The stationery that is in the picture above is from Papyrus!
  2. Find a pen that won't smear on the card (or if you are using a pen that will, like pilot pens, make sure each line dries before you move onto the next one). I use PaperMate Flair Felt Tip Pens because they don't smear at all on card stock.
  3. Write the letter using this format:
Dear ____________,
       Thank you so much for the _____________ that you gave to me for Christmas! It was so thoughtful of you. (Then a sentence about how you like it or when you use it. Ex: The jacket is so warm and fits me really well!). It was so nice seeing you (if they gave it to you in person). ~OR~ I miss you so much! We have to visit soon (if they mailed it to you). I hope you had a really nice holiday! Happy New Year!
                                                 Love, (or Thank you again, or From,)
                                                 _________________ (Your Signature)

      4. Put the letter in an envelope, and address it. 
      5. Make sure you put your return address in the upper left corner, then stamp it and mail it!

Writing a thank you note is really simple, and people enjoy receiving them a lot! A thank you email works in a pinch, but a real letter has a much better effect.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!

January 02, 2017 0 Comments
It's officially 2017! How has it happened already? I know it's already January 2nd, but yesterday I was asleep for the majority of the day (oops).
Because the old year has died (rip 2016), I think it's time for some of my bad habits to die as well. It's also probably a good time to develop some new good habits!
With that, here is my 2017 Resolution List!

  • Read a new book every month (one that I haven't read ever) 
  • STOP reading those stupid snapchat discover articles
  • Spend less time on my phone and on Netflix
  • Learn how to sew
  • Get a job
  • Save money
  • Do my homework when I get home from school and not the minute before class
I plan to work on these resolutions throughout the year and hopefully some of them will stick. Mainly I want to focus on becoming a harder worker and developing useful skills that I can use when I'm older.

As for what I did on New Years Eve, I decided to keep it casual this year. My friend planned a small party for me and five other girls. We made champagne cupcakes, drank apple cider (mostly), and watched movies while 2016's clock ticked away. At 11:55, we turned on a replay of Times Square's New Year celebrations and counted down the last seconds. When the ball dropped, we ran out on the street in her neighborhood with sparklers and air horns (probably waking up the entire town), and then we danced to Fifth Harmony and called it a night!
Running through the streets with my sparklers.
Gold nail polish from Urban Outfitters.

The next morning, I woke up and realized that I had lost my voice, so I went home after a quick breakfast and got in my bed.
Morning After... I don't even know what was in those glasses at that point ;)
What are your New Years Resolutions?
Have a good 2017!