Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Impromptu Ranch Photoshoot

Today on my way home from school, I decided to make a quick detour and check out the river on my ranch that has been flowing for the last two weeks. It flows right over the road and I thought it looked really pretty, especially with all the green grass.
Call me basic (I secretly am... maybe not that secretly but shh) but I felt the need to take a selfie just because this river literally NEVER flows. Then I though hey why not do a little photoshoot just because. So I set my phone up on a timer and got a few shots that I actually kind of liked!
This is the first one I took. I thought it looked nicely dramatic and very asymmetrical and artsy. And I am so in love with the green hills! The ranch only looks like this for a few weeks, and even though I love the classic golden hills of California, it's nice to feel like I'm in Ireland for a little while.
This is the next one I took that I liked. I took it a little up the hill from the river. The sun was going down, and so I really liked the lighting in the picture (even though you can't really see my face). I wish the quality was better, but I only had my phone in the car with me, not a better camera.

So yeah, anyway this is just another look into life on a ranch... not that I'm having photoshoots everyday haha, but I feel so lucky that I grew up here💕

If you've got any good photography suggestions, I could definitely use them ;)
Let me know in the comments!


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