Thursday, February 23, 2017

Relaxation Time!

Guys, it's been a long week, and I think I really need a spa day... said me a couple days ago when I was literally so tired I could hardly walk. So what did I do? Got my favorite snacks, some bubble bath, and a few candles and turned my bathroom into a getaway spa.

 Want to follow in my footsteps? Get on your most comfy bathrobe and twist your hair into a knot because this will be the most relaxing day you've had in a while.

Start out with the bath. Get a really nice bottle of bubblebath (or make your own using the recipe here like I did) because it will make the experience 10 times better. Or if you want to go the more scented, colorful route, get a bath bomb from Lush! Those are always super fun because they're fizzy and they have oils in them that make your skin feel super smooth.

Next, get your snacks. I decided to go with some substantial and healthy(ish) snacks, so I got my favorite cheese, some crackers, pistachios, grapes, and to add something sweet, some mini marshmallows. I paired this with a nice glass of grape juice (and no, it wasn't wine thank you very much) and soaked away while nibbling on crackers and cheese!

Add a candle, and this bath is ready to go. While you soak, maybe put on a face mask or do what I did and paint your nails! I set up my nail kit on the edge of my tub so that I could give myself a quick mani.

After my bath, I felt relaxed and ready to start my week. All my stress had gone down the drain!

What's your favorite way to relax?


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