Friday, March 10, 2017

Dream Travel Destination

March 10, 2017 0 Comments
Have you ever just sat there and imagined yourself flying away to a far away place for some relaxation and a little adventure? It happens to me all the time (especially in physics class), and I always dream about the same destination... Spain! I have never been to Europe, so of course I want to go to Paris, London, and Rome sooo badly, but lately I've been researching The Camino de Santiago, a super long pilgrimage across Spain that lands you at a beautiful Cathedral and takes you through ancient and historical towns. The trek actually begins in France, but basically you walk 500 miles over a period of about six weeks to get to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.
Though it sounds really hard to do (I mean, who actually wants to walk 500 miles for fun..?), it would be a really great adventure where I would be able to get away from everyday life and just kind of cleanse myself. It also takes you through the most beautiful places along the way.
Spanish countryside is absolutely breathtaking. I hope to make this trek with my two sisters after I graduate from high school... but I'm not sure if it'll happen. I actually have a religion teacher at my school who made the pilgrimage a year or two ago, and her experience sounds amazing. You meet people from all over the world and get to try out all kinds of new things. It's also a good way to let go of stress and worries that you might have. I'll be sure to let you know if I actually go in two years!
What's your dream destination?
And if you've ever trekked the Camino, let me know how it went for you! I'd love to hear!


Saturday, March 4, 2017

March's Book--Little Women

March 04, 2017 0 Comments

And the book of the month is..... Little Women!

I've actually never read this book, and though it probably would have been better if I had read it when I was younger, I still feel that it is a classic that I just have to read! If you've read it already, join me at the end of the month when I post some discussion questions and tell me what you thought of it in the comments. If you haven't read it yet, you're in the same boat as me, so let's get reading!

Have suggestions for the next month's book? Let me know in the comments!


Bookclub on the Blog!

March 04, 2017 1 Comments

Do you love reading, but can never find that perfect book? I have the same exact problem, but this year I am trying to expand my library. Well here on Pearl and Poppy I'm going to recommend a book at the beginning of each month, and at the end of the month, I'll post my interpretation of it and some discussion questions for the comments! I'll be choosing a mix of popular books to classics to random ones that I find in the local used bookstore. I'll give each book a review after I read it, and hopefully that'll inspire you to dust off those books that have been sitting on the shelf and give them a try, too!

I'll post the book for March later today!

Do you have any good book suggestions? Let me know and I'll give them a read!


Book Design by Crafty Pie Press (except for the font... I did that myself on photoshop)