Wednesday, July 19, 2017

March's Book (Little Women) Review

Oh my goodness you guys, I am so, SO sorry that I didn't complete this book review back at the end of March! Well, Little Women was a fantastic book! It took me a little while to finish reading because of school, but I would say I finished it around mid April. I don't know about all of you, but I personally love books set in the 1800s. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors, and so I am always looking for similar books. Little Women takes place in Northern America during the Civil War (at the beginning of the novel), but the war doesn't totally affect the story other than the fact that the girls' father is off fighting. The story revolves around four young girls living with their mother and follows their lives as they grow up, fall in love, start families, and just experience life. It was nicely written and didn't get boring at all. I can't decide whether I should write any spoilers because I have one complaint that I am still frustrated about, but I would give away the whole thing if I said it.... I don't think I'm going to, but if you think you have the same complaint comment below. I'll give you a hint: it has to do with Jo and her choices once she is grown up (actually just one choice that COMPLETELY threw me off). Anyway, if you've read Little Women and need to vent about this choice, I am here for you because I read the book like 3 months ago and I still am not over it. Other than this disappointing choice of Jo's (the second oldest sister), the book was a lovely read! 10 out of 10, I completely recommend.

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